2024 BNGSA Portraits

Instructions and Schedule

All portraits will be taken at
Northpoint Elementary School
2602 E College Ave, Bloomington, IL 61704  


Coach: Prior to picture day

Email photographer TwinCitiesSmilePhotography@gmail.com the mascot to print on the team picture. (examples: Pythons, Tigers, Midnight Rangers, Flamingos, etc)

Route schedule to parents. Remind verbally and digitally of portrait day, time and location

•Ask players to arrive 10 minutes early, in uniform. Coaches should wear a black or matching shirt

Coach: On picture day

•If the coach is unavailable on picture day please designate another to coordinate team logistics.

Coach, arrive 15 minutes prior to your portrait time. Report to portrait staff in staging area to get QR codes

Assemble your team in the staging area. Hand each player their specific paper QR code. Confirm names are spelled correctly on the QR code form, notify photo staff of discrepancies.

•Our staff will direct your team to a photo line

Coaches with children on the team should line up next to them and be photographed at the same time

Tuesday, May 28 

Photos taken inside Northpoint Elementary 2602 E College Ave, Bloomington, IL 61704 

*teams in red have a 7:15 game on portrait day

Tuesday, May 28

5:30pm - 10#5 - The Bronze Frog*

5:35pm - 10#8 - Haul-It Movers Plus*

5:40pm - 10#11 - Millan/Petro McDonald's Org*

5:45pm - 10#13 - WayPoint Logistics*


5:55pm  - 8U#4 - Drapery Decor 

Tuesday, May 28

6:00pm - 8U#9 - Uncle Bill's Self Storage  

6:10pm  -10U#3 -Nilla's Tub DIY

6:15pm  -12U#2 -T-Mobile

6:15pm - 19#5 - The Pass

Wednesday, May 29 

Photos taken inside Northpoint Elementary 2602 E College Ave, Bloomington, IL 61704 

*teams in red have a 7:15 game on portrait day

Wednesday, May 29

5:00pm  - 8U#2 - Cornbelt Energy        

5:05pm  - 8U#3 - Go Green Commercial Cleaning

5:10pm -  8U#5 - Louie V Realtor, Keller Williams

5:15pm -  8U#6 - Stay Another Day

5:20pm  - 8U#7 - Adam Weber Real Estate

5:25pm  - 8U#8 - Picture This Advertising

5:30pm  - 8U#10- Joshua LaCombe Agency Country

5:35pm  - 8U#12- Evergreen FS, Inc    

5:40pm  - 15#2 - Creativity Camp*

5:45pm -  15#7 - Fairlawn Real Estate*

5:50pm -  10U#4 - Stay Another Day

5:55pm -  10U#6 - All About Eyes

Wednesday, May 29

6:00pm  - 10U#9 - Studio J Salon

6:05pm  - 10U#10 - IvyRehab for Kids

6:10pm  - 10U#12 - Louie V, Realtor, Keller Williams

6:15pm  - 10U#15 - Team Wycoff

6:20pm  - 10U#16 - Boys & Girls Club

6:25pm  - 12U#1 - Knapp Builders

6:30pm  - 12U#3 - Weber Electric   

6:35pm  - 12U#4 - Healty In a Hurry

6:40pm  - 12U#5 - Nilla's Tub DIY Dog Wash

6:45pm  - 12U#6 - K's Academy

6:50pm  - 12U#7 - Stay Another Day

6:55pm  - 12U#10 - Corey Leach RE/MAX Rising

7:00pm  - 12U#11 - First State Bank

7:05pm  - 12U#12 - Barrel House

Thursday, May 30
Photos taken inside Northpoint Elementary 2602 E College Ave, Bloomington, IL 61704

**teams in green have a 5:30 game on portrait

*teams in red have a 7:15 game on portrait day*

*** updated portrait day and time

Thursday, May 30

4:00pm - 19#2 - Christi Clinic* 

4:10pm - 19#1 - Double Play**

4:20pm - 19#3 - Vision Point Eye Center**

4:30pm - 19#4 - Redbird Prop**

4:45pm - 10U#1 -Niebur Engineering

4:50pm - 10U#2 -Nord Dental

4:55pm  - 8U#1 - Guild Mortgage Company/Jeremy Maubach***    

Thursday, May 30

5:05pm -  8U#11 -DeBerg

5:15pm  - 10#7  - Snyder Ins*        

5:20pm  - 12#8 - David Stokes Edward Jones*

5:25pm -  12#9 - B&B Awards*

5:30pm -  15#4 - Team Relocation*

5:35pm - 10#14- VFW Post 454     

5:40pm - 15U#3 - Apricot Lane Boutique Normal

5:50pm - 15U#5 - Studio J Salon

6:00pm - 15U#6 - Isaacson Concrete

6:00pm - 15U#1 - Brigham Editorial